INNSVX (@innsvx) is composed of a pair of twins sister, Lisa and Licca. They are digital artist and animator focusing on 3D characters and virtual fashion design based in Hong Kong. Lisa and Licca's art style is diverse, from pixel art inspired retro video games to trendy Gen-Z forward visuals.
This pair of 24-year-old identical twin sisters have been making waves on social media with their various explorations of digital identities and had previously exhibited and sold their artworks at Digital Art Fair 2022 and Affordable Art Fair 2023. They were recently featured in Ming's magazine for 14 pages. 🎨✨
Special thanks to Braw haus (@brawhaus) and
( @labyrinth.bali) support for the Pioneer Prize. The winner of the Pioneer Prize will be announced during the fair. Stay tuned for the big reveal! 🎉👏
Pioneer Prize入圍藝術家介紹:INNSVX🌟
INNSVX(@innsvx) 是一對雙胞胎姐妹(Lisa和Licca),她們來自香港的數碼藝術家和動畫師,專註於3D角色和虛擬時尚設計。Lisa和Licca的藝術風格多樣,受像素藝術啟發的復古視頻遊戲和時尚的Gen-Z前衛視覺都有包括在內。
這對 24 歲的雙胞胎姐妹通過對數碼身份的各種探索,在社交媒體上掀起了軒然大波。她们曾在 2022 年Digital Art Fair 和 2023 年Affordable Art Fair上展出並售出自己的作品。最近,她們在Ming雜誌上有 14 頁的篇幅報導。
特別感謝Braw Haus和Labyrinth.art對Pioneer Prize的支持,Pioneer Prize的獲獎者將在展會期間宣布。敬請期待! 🎉👏