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Digital Art Fair 很高興與本年首席時間伙伴東方表行合作,跟著名藝術家 Jonathan Jay Lee攜手踏上時光旅程,以數碼藝術的角度重新演繹香港傳統文化,與大家窺探香港的每個角落✨
數碼藝術家 Jonathan Jay Lee 多感官裝置藝術《Take Your Time》10月19-23日於K11 MUSEA Digital Art Fair 展出
We’re pleased to announce Botto as our Digital Artist of the Year🌟🤖!
We’re pleased to announce Claire Silver as our Digital Artist of the Year🌟🤖!
We’re pleased to announce Yue Minjun highlighted artwork will be showcased at Digital Art Fair 2023
We’re pleased to announce Refik Anadol highlighted artwork continues to be showcased🌟
We’re pleased to announce Tyler Hobbs highlighted artwork will be showcased at Digital Art Fair 2023
Introducing our shortlisted Pioneer Prize artist: Nygilia McClain🌟
Introducing our shortlisted Pioneer Prize artist: Fuat DEGIRMENCI🌟
Introducing our shortlisted Pioneer Prize artist: Farruk Murad🌟
Introducing our shortlisted Pioneer Prize artist: Sumbyos🌟
Introducing our shortlisted Pioneer Prize artist: Yu Kong🌟
Introducing our shortlisted Pioneer Prize artist: INNSVX🌟
Presented by TAEX - We're proud to showcase MAOTIK as Digital Art Fair 2023 Featured Artist🎨
We are pleased to announce David Ariew as the Immersive Room Artist at Digital Art Fair 2023💥
Best selling AI Artists: Claire Silver❤️🔥
Damien Hirst from traditional work to NFT💥
Tuukzs using AI to bridge digital and psychic realms 🤖🪄